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The MBIA collects research on the boating industry from several sources, including the National Marine Manufacturers Association, the Michigan DNR, Secretary of State and Coast Guard. We have outlined the statistics here, and will update annually as information becomes available.
Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account(ORSA)- 2019-
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Today the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released updated Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA) data for the U.S. and individual states. The updated data includes statistics for 2018 and 2019. Overall, outdoor recreation accounts for 2.1% of the U.S. GDP for 2019. Boating/fishing was the largest conventional activity for the nation as a whole at $23.6 billion in current-dollar value added. You can read the full report here.
I’ve attached Michigan specific information for your review, but here are some key points:
Outdoor recreation supports 123,569 jobs in Michigan. In Michigan, outdoor recreation generated $10.1 billion in 2019. Boating/fishing is the top sector for ORSA value add by activity in Michigan (also, Michigan ranks 5 in the country for boating/fishing value add). Since 2018, ORSA employment has grown 0.1 percent in Michigan, compared with an increase of 0.4 percent for the U.S.
Nat'l Rec. Boating Safety Participation Survey
PDF (4.44 MB)
Nat'l Rec. Boating Exposure Survey
PDF (3.02 MB)