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Lighthouse Award

The MBIA created the Lighthouse Award in 2004 in order to recognize individuals for their dedication and contributions to the industry

Recipients of the MBIA Lighthouse Award


2024 Recipients:

Jason McGuire, Riverside Marina

Nikki Storey, Great Lakes Boat Building School

For their efforts in producing the first SURGE Detroit River introducing boating to inner-city Detroit children.

2023 Recipient:

Brian Kelley, Michigan Clean Marina Program Certification Specialist- for his dedication and contributions to help reach more than 100 certified marinas

2020 Recipients - MBIA Workforce Development Partners

Valerie Corbett, Project Manager, Workforce Education at Macomb Community College

Patrick Rouse, Director of Workforce & Continuing Education at Macomb Community College

Margaret Podlich, Executive Director at ABYC Foundation

Nikki Storey, President at Great Lakes Boat Building School

Joseph Petrosky, Associate Provost of Academics and Workforce

David Bradley, Coordinator of Employer Engagement at Oakland Community College

Janelle Arbuckle-Michael, Senior Economic Developer at Department of Planning & Economic Development, Macomb County

Wendy Mackie, President/CEO at Rhode Island Marine Trade Association


View the press release here. 


2017 Recipients:
Pete Beauregard (pictured right), Colony Marine
Jim Morrow (pictured left), GPYC
     For their support of the MBIA and the Metro Boat Show

2015 Recipients:
Jim Coburn, Coburn & Associates for his support of the MBIA
Tom Den Herder, Yacht Basin Marina for his support of the MBIA
Chris Lisowicz, North Shore Marina for his support of the MBIA
Jim Stewart, Kotz Sangster for his support of the MBIA
Tim Tadsen, Toledo Beach Marina for his support of the Boaters' Association of Michigan
Elizabeth LaPorte, Michigan Sea Grant for her support of Michigan's Clean Marina Program

2014 Recipients:
Tim Lucas, Harbor Risk for his contributions to growing sailing, MBIA membership growth and membership support
Higgins Lake Foundation, accepted by Vicki Springstead for thier $60,000 contribution to install a boat wash station

2013 Recipients:
Josh Gunn, Michigan Sea Grant for his contributions to the Clean Marina Program
Bret Marr and Ray Underwood, Muchmore, Harrington, Smalley and Assoc., for their contributions on passing Sales Tax on the Difference into law.
Bill Rustem, Director of Strategy to Governor Snyder for his contributions to the dredging funding.

2011 Recipient: Macomb County (accepted by Gerry Santoro)

2010 Recipient:
J. Theodore "Ted" Everingham was recognized with an MBIA Lighthouse Award for his dedication to the boating industry through the support of MBIA boat shows and programs, through his work with WJR and his Great Lakes Log program.

2008 Recipients:
Chuck May, volunteer leader of the Michigan Shallow Harbors Coalition- for his dedication and leadership of the Michigan Shallow Harbors Coalition.
David Knight, Great Lakes Commission, for his service and dedication to the Michigan Shallow Harbors Coalition
Jen Read, Michigan Sea Grant, for her service and dedication to the Michigan Shallow Harbors Coalition
Chuck Pistis, Michigan Sea Grant, for his service and dedication to the Michigan Shallow Harbors Coalition

2007 Recipients:
Greg Klang, CMP Consultant- for his dedication to helping marina operators enhance their environmental efforts and his help in establishing the Michigan Clean Marina Program
Richard Babcock, CMP Consultant- for his dedication to helping marina operators enhance their environmental efforts and his help in establishing the Michigan Clean Marina Program
Pete Mathews, CMP Consultant- for his dedication to helping marina operators enhance their environmental efforts and his help in establishing the Michigan Clean Marina Program
Ronald Wesel, Mondo Polymer Technologies- for his effort to establish a shrink-wrap recycle program as part of the Michigan Clean Marina Program and his continued support of environmental stewardship.
Mike Briskey, Luna Pier Harbour Club- for his continued legislative efforts in support of the MBIA and boating industry’s legislative efforts in our State Capitol.
Eric Foster, Belle Maer Harbor- for his continued legislative efforts in support of the MBIA and boating industry’s legislative efforts in our State Capitol.

2006 Recipients:
Pete Beauregard, Jr., Colony Marine Sales & Service- for his legislative activities and support of the MBIA’s legislative agenda
Liz Carney, Grand Bay Marine- for her legislative activities and support of the MBIA’s legislative agenda
R. J. Peterson, Tower Marina- for his active efforts to create awareness of the economic benefit boating provides Michigan and his support for public access
Bill Boik, MDNR- for his efforts to increase boating access and promotion of recreational boating in Michigan

2005 Recipients:
Elizabeth LaPorte, Communications Director, Michigan Sea Grant- for her work on the Michigan Clean Marina Program
Jim Coburn, National City Bank- for his long participation in industry activities (RBIEF, RBEC, etc.)
Eric Foster, Belle Maer Harbor- his behind leadership and efforts to improve the Michigan Clean Marina Program

2004 Recipients:
Jeff Spencer, MDEQ- his work on MI Clean Marina Program
Chuck Pistis, MI Sea Grant- his work on MI Clean Marina Program
Steve Remias, MacRay Harbor- his work on MI Clean Marina Program
Pete Matta, Lake Fenton Marina- his leadership and hard work on Mft./Dealer Agreement legislation
Dr. Ed Mahoney, Michigan State University and the Recreational Marine Research Center- his work advancing the boating industry through education and leadership
Vic, Rena, & Mary Callewaert- for their continued support of MBIA

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